Welcome to the USS Quebec! This simm takes place in the Lower Decks timeline, currently in the year 2381.

After the USS Cerritos accidentally started a conflict with the Gelrakians in 2380 by presenting them with a wooden Melvok Prime fertility totem, the matter was quickly quashed by reinstating "buffer time" via the Boimler Effect and making a new presentation to the Gelrakians with the Honor Crystal. To further bring together the Federation and the Gelrakians, Starfleet Command decided that a Gelrakian Captain was needed in the fleet. Captain Qierress was selected and given command of the USS Quebec, a Parliament Class starship.

This position was largely intended to be a figurehead spot for the Gelrakian Captain and the Quebec is likely to be assigned to rather routine missions that nobody wants to do, but always must get done to keep Starfleet operating. Of course, nothing is routine when it comes to Starfleet!

Welcome to the Lower Decks Sim of the USS Quebec. We will be taking applications for all positions. Individuals will be playing one "departmental head" and one ensign.

Join us now!

Our discord is our discord is https://discord.gg/ux9CHaeBvN

RPG Rating 2 2 2

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Latest Mission Posts

» The Top Brass Meet

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Posted on Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 4:09pm by Captain Qierress & Commander Koda Screaminghorse

Qierress sat down in her Captain's Chair on the bridge. She watched as people started to filter in and out of the bridge and the ship in general, marveling at the differences between Gelrakian ships and Federation ships. First, Federation ships were very stark compared to Gelrakian ships. There was…

» All Aboard! (Part 2)

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 7:45pm by Ensign Amelix Milumad


As the small Klingon ran at him in anger, the Officer just stepped aside at the last minute, tripping Drelaq and sending him sliding across the floor. The man just laughed in amusement as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at…

» All Aboard! (Part 1)

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 7:39pm by Ensign Amelix Milumad & Ensign Drelaq 'Dre' Son of Kahl'eng & Ensign Serefu Yua & Ensign Emri Goro & Ensign Tsugumi Harudori & Ensign Serena Bailey

Amelix could hardly stay still! Then again, nobody was ever certain that Amelix had ever remained still, not even in her sleep. However, today, she was particularly animated. Today was the day that she was going to join her first ship! On top of that, she was the first female…

» Reporting for duty

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Posted on Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 5:36am by Captain Qierress & Lieutenant Commander Mateo Rodriguez Acosta

Nice thing about being senior staff. No waiting in line forever to report for duty. Bad thing about being senior staff. You got to report straight to the Captain. Mateo tugged on the front of his uniform tunic, making sure it was straight and stepped forward to the door, so…

Latest Personal Logs

» Circle of Competence

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2024 @ 9:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Mateo Rodriguez Acosta

"Personal Log.

Stardate.... I don't know. What the hell is today? It's definitely day, not night. I'm somewhere between still drunk and hung over. Not even sure if I've been drinking in celebration or regret. Ten, eleven... Twelve years of service and work, and I have been rewarded with a…