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Sun Jun 30th, 2024 @ 5:36am

Lieutenant Commander Mateo Rodriguez Acosta

Name Mateo Rodriguez Acosta

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34

Physical Appearance

Height 5'8"
Weight 158
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Black
Physical Description Mateo is short for the average human male, but a bit taller than average for his home of Peru. Like many from South America, he is brown-skinned with dark hair and eyes. His hair is cut short and he sports a short beard and mustache.


Father Santos Rodriguez Cardozo
Mother Cecilia Acosta Montoya (deceased)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Mateo is the sort of person who feels he has to have everything under control at all times. He hates asking for help, and prefers to stick to his comfort zone. Thankfully, he’s fairly adept at teaching himself out of books, or the Academy would have given him a nervous breakdown. He is much more gracious towards others than he is towards himself, always willing to help out others and reassure them that they are not expected to know everything.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Good with his hands
+ Quick study
+ Takes the initiative
- Bad at taking criticism
- Hates asking for help
Ambitions To make his father proud
Hobbies & Interests Chess, table tennis, reading

Personal History Mateo’s mother passed away when he was six. Rather than placing him in after school care, Mateo’s father often brought him along to work. Santos was a manager at the local shuttle port in Lima, Peru and Mateo spent his time hanging out with the shuttle pilots in the breakroom. He became something of a workplace mascot. Some of the pilots would even bring him along on short trips, letting him sit in the copilot seat.

By the time he was twelve, Mateo was technically, if not legally, capable of flying a shuttle craft on his own. Not that any of the pilots allowed him to do so. Honest. On his birthday, when he was finally old enough to qualify as a pilot, the entire port staff celebrated with him. He only had one parent, but he had a very large family.

It was Mateo’s father who encouraged him to consider Starfleet. Santos wanted more for his son than a municipal job, shuttling other people around. Mateo’s first year at the Academy was a huge struggle. He’d grown up surrounded by adults who often treated him as a mini-adult. Being treated like he knew nothing, and worse, realizing that there was so much he didn’t know was a huge blow. He was miserable and nearly worked himself into the ground. If a TA hadn’t basically made using Student Services tutoring a requirement for one of his classes, he probably would have dropped out. His second and third year, with his more general requirements out of the way, were much easier, allowing him to focus his time on areas that were more his strength.

During the Dominion War, Mateo was stationed about the USS Callaghan, an older Excelsior-class ship, which served in a support capacity, often tasked with recovery after a battle. That recovery included ships, personnel and bodies. He sometimes wonders if it would have been easier to see combat, since at least he would have been able to do something.
Service Record 2381, USS Quebec, Chief Flight Officer, Lt. Cmdr.
2375-2381, USS Niantic, Flight Officer, Lt.
2372-2375, USS Callaghan, Flight Officer, Lt.jg-Lt.
2369-2372, USS Barataria, Support Craft Pilot and Relief Flight Officer, Ensign-Lt.jg.