
  • 2 Mission Posts

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Thu Nov 28th, 2024 @ 6:56pm

Ensign Emri Goro

Name Emri Goro

Position Nurse

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Male
Species ¾ Human/ ¼ Betazoid
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Height 5'10"
Weight 140 lbs
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Dark brown
Physical Description Emri has the sort of lanky build associated with very tall people, despite not being that tall himself. The result is a slightly underfed look. His dark hair is slightly curly and worn short, making him look like he doesn't own a comb.


Father Arxin Goro (½ Human/ ½ Betazoid)
Mother Katalin Goro
Sister(s) Jacina Goro (17)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Words used to describe Emri are often things like friendly, sweet, kind, and caring. People who know him best often add words like nervous, stressed and tired. Both come from his empathy. Emri describes his empathy as a feeling in the air around him or a taste on his tongue. Negative emotions are prickly or bitter, while positive ones are warm and sweet. As a result, Emri wants people around him to be happy, even if it costs him. He connects easily to others, but often has difficulty sustaining relationships. He prefers to give in or walk away rather than put himself through conflict to avoid the mental stress and pressure that comes with other people’s negative emotions.

People are often surprised that Emri doesn’t read others well. After all, he’s an empath. But his sense is so non-specific that his impression of someone is based on their mood more than anything else. He’s had several romantic relationships blow up spectacularly because of this. He enjoys art, because it's a way for him to work through what’s on his mind without involving other people.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Quick study
+ Compassionate
+/- Weak empathy
-People pleaser
- Hedonist
Ambitions Emri doesn’t see himself as ambitious. He just really wants the universe to be a better place and to make those around him a bit happier.
Hobbies & Interests Drawing and painting

Personal History Emri’s parents met at the Federation Headquarters on Earth. His father worked as an administrative assistant and his mother was a custodian in the building. Emri grew up in the shadows of diplomacy, which convinced him that he had no interest in that kind of work. He wanted work where he would see the direct result of his actions.

Emri was drawn to nursing because he likes the direct contact with patients. It’s an area where his limited empathy is a benefit rather than an annoyance or hindrance. He is very, very good at patient pain management. Outside of work, he is less certain of himself, not always sure how much is his own opinion vs the influence of others.

Emri’s father and grandmother tried to teach Emri to shield his mind from the effects of his empathy, but his abilities are weak enough that he can't do much with them, including blocking the feelings that they bring. Part of what drew him to Starfleet is that existing protocols and measures for psychically sensitive species, combined with the small, consistent population of a starship, means less mental stress in his day to day life.