Circle of Competence

Posted on Fri Mar 29th, 2024 @ 9:39pm by Lieutenant Commander Mateo Rodriguez Acosta

382 words; about a 2 minute read

"Personal Log.

Stardate.... I don't know. What the hell is today? It's definitely day, not night. I'm somewhere between still drunk and hung over. Not even sure if I've been drinking in celebration or regret. Ten, eleven... Twelve years of service and work, and I have been rewarded with a promotion to administrator. Go me.

I mean, she's a beautiful ship. Just a... A thing of beauty. I already said that, didn't I? But she is. Pretty ship. Pretty, pretty ship. Not that I get to fly her. Gonna get to tell other people when to fly her, where to fly her, how to fly her. Get to wear three shiny buttons, well, two and half shiny buttons, get to sit in the big chair if there's nothing important going on. But don't get to fly the ship. Not unless something happens to whoever's at helm. Which is something you should never wish for as a command officer. So I don't. I do not. No Parliament flying for Mateo. But, damn, she really is pretty.

Captain's something called a Gelarkin? Galrakin? Gelkarian, that was it. No, wait, Gelrakian. Gonna have to get that down. Not a good thing to get wrong. Hadn't heard of them before. I guess they're green. Not, like, Vulcan green. Like green-green. Plant green. Never met one. Not that that means much. Universe is a big place. Federation is a big place. Never met a Q, either. Never saw a Vorta during the War. Well, not a live one.

Are Gel... Gelrakians even members of the Federation? Can you captain a Starfleet ship if you're not? I should know that. Can't remember. I'll remember later. When I'm not so hungover. Gonna drive me nuts otherwise.

'm supposed to report to the Quebec in two days. And I will fly myself there, thank you very much. I'm on leave, and they can't stop me. Ha! Take that! You can stick me behind a desk, but you can't stop me from flying. Just 'cause it's a shuttle and not a starship, it's still flying. What you're flying doesn't matter. Just that you keep flying. Doesn't have to be a starship.

She is a really beautiful ship, though....

.... I think I'm gonna throw up.

End log
Lt. Cmdr. Mateo Rodriguez Acosta"


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