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Mon Oct 7th, 2024 @ 4:09pm

Captain Qierress

Name Qierress

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Gelrakian
Age 42

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 142 lbs
Hair Color dark brown
Eye Color black
Physical Description Like all Gelrakians, her skin is a light greenish color, perhaps because there was some reptilian blood somewhere in their ancestry. This seems to be accurate as they have two nostril slits in their face rather than a protrusion. However, like humans, they bleed red.

Qierress keeps her hair short and straight to stay out of her way should combat arise. She rarely smiles, but when she does, it appears menacing, with all of her teeth showing. Her normal look has her two sharp fangs that hang over her upper lip. On her large ears with large lower lobes, she has a traditional large crystal stud earring in each lower lobe of the ear.

Qierress' hips are slightly wider than her shoulders. She is built for speed and has muscular legs.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Kratirk
Mother Jilurt
Brother(s) Crigz, age 44
Sister(s) Srank, age 40
Other Family Sister-in-law, Honuz (Crigz's wife) - niece, Ort, age 5 - nephew, Zank, age 2

Brother-in-law, Grugz (Srank's husband)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Gelrakians may seem like a backwards species for most Federation members, because they refuse to fight with modern weaponry except in space. However, Gelrakians have a strong respect for tradition, loyalty, and honesty. Traditionally Gelrakians believe in man-to-man combat. Hand-to-hand combat and martial arts are taught to every Gelrakian as part of their basic education in school. Even in space, combat should be done in close quarters, with the typical strategy being to disable the other ship, board, and defeat the enemy in hand-to-hand combat. If you cannot see who you are killing/trying to defeat, then one is no better than an assassin, which is a dishonorable profession. Because honesty is so prized, crime amongst Gelrakians is rare. Or, perhaps it is because the criminal system has not advanced to trials with judges, duals and trial by combat are strong deterrents.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Honest -Has only book knowledge of the ship/fleet workings
+Decisive -Judgmental
+Practical -Short Temperted
+Brave -Tactless
Ambitions To proudly represent Gelrakians within Starfleet.
Hobbies & Interests puzzles, martial arts, strategy games

Personal History Qierress was the second child born to Kratirk and Jilurt in 2338. They would have another, Qierress' sister, Srank, two years later. Qierress' parents were the proud owners of a crystal mine. Many of the Gelrakian's holiest crystals came from their mine and it was the family business to make certain that the mine kept functioning. However, unlike Qierress' family, she was not interested in the mining business. She was much more fascinated with the crystals themselves, how they were formed, and why they took on certain properties.

While Crigz and Srank eagerly embraced the family's mining business, Qierress felt a deeper connection to the natural world and the mysterious crystals that lay beneath the surface of their planet. She would often wander the rocky terrain for hours on end, marveling at the intricate formations and vibrant hues of the crystals that dotted the landscape. Her parents, while supportive of her curiosity, harbored concerns about her unconventional interests, fearing that she might stray too far from the path laid out for her by tradition.

Despite these concerns, Qierress remained undeterred in her pursuit of knowledge. She spent countless hours poring over ancient texts and scientific journals, seeking to understand the secrets locked within the crystalline structures that held such fascination for her. Her thirst for understanding drove her to excel in her studies, earning her a reputation as a diligent and inquisitive student within the Gelrakian academies.

Qierress embarked on a journey of discovery that would ultimately shape her future career. In the Gelrakian academies, she immersed herself in the study of engineering principles, eager to apply her knowledge to practical applications. She excelled in her coursework, demonstrating a keen aptitude for problem-solving and innovation. Qierress's background in crystallography earned her the respect of her instructors and fellow students alike.

Driven by her insatiable curiosity, Qierress sought out opportunities to apply her engineering skills in real-world scenarios. She eagerly participated in research projects and internships, eager to gain hands-on experience and contribute to the advancement of Gelrakian technology. Her work caught the attention of prominent figures within the scientific community, who recognized her talent and potential for greatness.

As she honed her skills and expanded her knowledge, Qierress's focus shifted towards the development of innovative technologies that could benefit her people and society as a whole. She dreamed of harnessing the power of the crystals to create sustainable energy sources, advanced propulsion systems, and cutting-edge medical technologies. With each new breakthrough, she brought her vision one step closer to reality, fueled by her passion for exploration and discovery. Unfortunately for Qierress, Gelrakian society was not ready to accept her advances due to the Gelrakians' need to respect tradition.

Without further options to improve society, Qierress sought the next best thing to satiate her curiosity, she set off for the stars. The Gelrakian military was the only place for that. This move further ostracized herself from her parents. However, Qierress' unique mind and determination had her steadily move up the ranks until she finally obtained a command of her own.

After the Cerittos insulted the Gelrakians with a wooden fertility device and were boarded by the Gelrakians in 2380, the Gelrakians invaded the Cerritos with crystal spears and swords. While the Cerittos crew was able to escape death and repair relations, Starfleet decided that as a final peace offering and to promote greater understanding, a Gelrakian would be appointed as a Captain to a non-wood loving Federation starship.
Service Record 2381 - USS Quebec - Captain
2379 - 2380 GDF Sapphire - Captain
2376 - 2379 GDF Ruby - XO
2373 - 2376 GDF Topaz - Chief Engineer/2XO
2369 - 2373 GDF Quartz - Chief Engineer
2366 - 2369 GDF Feldspar - Assistant Chief Engineer
2365 - 2367 GDF Apatite - Assistant Chief Engineer
2364 - 2365 GDF Flourite - Engineer
2363 - 2364 GDF Calcite - Engineer
2361 - 2363 GDF Gypsum - Engineer
2357 - 2361 GDF Academy