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All Aboard! (Part 1)

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 7:39pm by Ensign Amelix Milumad & Ensign Drelaq 'Dre' Son of Kahl'eng & Ensign Serefu Yua & Ensign Emri Goro & Ensign Tsugumi Harudori & Ensign Serena Bailey

1,708 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Location: Docking Port
Timeline: MD01 - 0800

Amelix could hardly stay still! Then again, nobody was ever certain that Amelix had ever remained still, not even in her sleep. However, today, she was particularly animated. Today was the day that she was going to join her first ship! On top of that, she was the first female Tygarian in Starfleet!

One moment her head was buried in a PADD. The next moment her head was looking in her bag. The very next moment, she was moving from side to side and looking to see how fast the line to the ship was moving. Each time that she moved, light bounced off the crystalline-like objects on her head and scattered the light in several directions and sometimes in prisms. She bounced up and down, rapidly muttering, "Comeon!Comeon!Comeon!"

Three back in line from Amelix, Emri hugged his bag to his chest, trying not to bump into anyone. People were in good moods, bright and bubbly, but there were so many of them, and they were pressed together as they waited their turn to get onboard. He'd arrived early, hoping to avoid too much of a rush, but it looked like everyone else had had the same idea. The line shuffled forward, and he took a moment to enjoy the brief reduction in the crowd, before those behind him followed, leaving him in the same position as he'd started. He eyed the length of the line ahead of him. Maybe he'd get lucky. Maybe somewhere between him and the entrance was someone who, once they dropped their things off at their bunk, they'd come back and help with the crew boarding and things would go just a little faster.

"Oh no..." a rather young sounding voice said from behind them. There stood a young Ensign wearing a blue uniform. She had black hair in twin tails and she was standing over another ensign in yellow who had seemingly tripped and was now face down on the deck.

The Ensign in yellow sat up and smiled nervously. "I'm OK!" She said. "No worries!". The other Ensign sighed as she held a hand out. "Come on Serefu, that's a really bad impression! Honestly, you're so clumsy!"

Serefu accepted her hand and stood up. She smirked. "Thanks, Tsugumi, you've always got my back!"

Tsugumi then noticed that Serefu's nose was red where she had smacked first face into the deck. A small trickle of blood began to run down her face. "Is that BLOOD?!" Tsugumi exclaimed.

"Huh..." Serefu replied as she dabbed her sleeve to her face and examined it. "Yeah, looks like it!" She grinned.

"Jeez; you're such a klutz!" Tsumugi said as she began to rifle around in one of her pockets. "Stay still OK! We're not even on the ship yet and already you have to be patched up!" She said as she pulled out a band-aid. "How did you even get a papercut on your nose from faceplanting the deck anyways, and what did you trip over in the first place?"

Serefu shrugged. "No idea, it was probably in the script or something..."

"You're not Cary Elwes and you're no Robin Hood with a proper English Accent you know..." Tsugumi replied as she applied the band aid to the small cut.

"Tight tights!" Serefu grinned.

"Wrong genre! Wrong... everything!" Tsugumi said flustered waving her arms. "Jeez..."

The complete interaction between Serefu and Tsugumi happened between Amelix and Emri, causing the line behind all of them to groan. Amelix, the Tygarian, whirled around faster than warp 1 and speaking at warp 7, started, "Oh! You really should let me take a look at that!" She paused for a nano second before realizing that Tsugumi was also in blue. "Or, she can!" she exuded before continuing and moving on to warp 7.5 speech. "So pleased to meet you! My name is Ensign Amelix Milumad! I am the only Tygarian in Starfleet! So pleased to meet you! I bet you have a lot of questions for me! Most people do! Now what was it that I was supposed to ask you...?"

Her head swiveled several times causing light to refract off her head, occasionally causing someone to wince from the light. "Oh, that's right! I did not get your names. What are they? I'm Amelix Milumad! Oh! Wait! I already said that!"

Tsugumi smiled. "I'm Ensign Tsugumi Harudori, assigned to medical." Tsugumi said in response. She thumbed to indicate Serefu. "And this klutz is Ensign Serefu Yua, believe it or not she's an engineer."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Serefu sulked. Tsugumi smirked as she patted her head.

"Nothing, just teasing."

Serefu began to smile after the brief head pat. She gave Amelix a small wave.

"So, are you in science or medical?" Tsugumi asked curiously.

Amelix waved energetically at Serefu, then looked at the queue and noticed that it had moved up a few inches which Amelix hurriedly took up lest anyone think that she was not being efficient. "Oooh! I always liked engineers because some of their field is so close to mine, but then, so is medical! Maybe that's why I like science so much? I get to do so much and I'm needed in everything! There's nothing that isn't based on science! I can't wait to study everything! Do you know how many experiments that I have in my head to run? I can't even begin to tell you. I just need a ship and we're NOT THERE YET!" she added exasperated. "Comeon! Comeon! Comeon!"

Tsugumi smiled nervously and she thought Serefu was a lot to handle. "Science is great and all! But I just LOVE helping people!" She said little stars seemingly twinkling around her. "We should keep up with the queue... come on clumsy!"

"Yeah yeah..." Serafu replied in her laid back tone. She placed both hands behind her head as she took a few steps forward. "I can't wait to get to down to the engine room! Play with the mother [BLEEP] warp core!"

"Did... you just get 'bleeped out?" Tsugumi asked cocking her head to one side on confusion. "Like... really?"

"Hmm..." Serefu said. "Maybe I did. Let's test it out... [BLEEP] [BLEEP] [BLEEP] [BLEEP]"

She was stopped by a bonk on the head from Tsugumi "For [BLEEP]'s sake cut that out!" She then realised what she said. "Darn it..."

"What's with all the racket?!!" Came a thundering voice. "The next petaQ who shouts is going to have to deal with me!" A shadow of a large Klingon as seen against the wall, his hands on his hips, as his shadow showed him to be muscular and possibly intimidating. "State your names and rank, Officers?!" The Klingon voice roared.

Emri took a step back at the Klingon's yelling, not wanting to be tagged with the same brush as the chaos in front of him. Then his eyes narrowed. Senior staff weren't the type to have to wait in line like the rest of them. "Who are you to be ordering everyone around?"

The shadow on the wall seemed to tug on the bottom of his uniform. "I am Drelaq, Son of Kahl'eng. General of the Klingon Empire!" He began to growl as the shadow balled his fists. "I am a Security Officer and you will take me seriously!"

"We're waiting in line. Technically, we're all still on leave until we get to the door." The Klingon's attitude sat stale Emri's tongue.
He tried to throw up his hands in frustration and nearly dropped him bag.

"Then wait... quietly! If this were a Klingon ship I would-" The Klingon's shadow seemed to show he was crossing his arms over his chest until another shadow seemed to approach behind him.

"What's with all the yelling, Drelaq?" Another voice came, this one wasn't as loud or aggressive. "Why are you standing all the way back here?"

"These Officers were making too much noise..." Drelaq replied, his tone shifting from loud and boisterous to nervous. "I was simply observing them from afar."

The officer behind Drelaq laughed in amusement as he nodded his head. "Oh yeah? Big and Tough Klingon Warrior hiding in the corner?" He said in an amusing tone, as if picking on the Ensign, before shoving him.

Drelaq was shoved out of the shadows and into the opening. The Large and Thunderous Klingon was only 4 foot 5. He had a slightly muscular physic, as well as the appearance of a Klingon officer with long hair and forehead ridges, but he was no bigger than any other officer. He looked around, embarrassed as he got up on his feet and stood his ground as the other officer walked out.

"Face it, Dre... You couldn't cut it as Klingon Warrior so they stuck you in Starfleet." The taller Ensign said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I am a Klingon Warrior!" Drelaq shouted as he growled before running toward the other officer.

As the small Klingon ran at him in anger, the Officer just stepped aside at the last minute, tripping Drelaq and sending him sliding across the floor. The man just laughed in amusement as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the humiliated Klingon. "Drelaq, The Little Officer the Couldn't. You should find a ship that's more your size. Like an escape pod." He amused before walking away.

Drelaq lay there on the ground, his face buried in the floor. He was angry, grinding his teeth, but he was also embarrassed. A part of him wanted to remove his d'k tahg from his bag to teach the officer his dishonor would not go unpunished, but he couldn't find the strength to even bother.

Tsugumi gasped and then quickly rushed over. She crouched down next to him. "Hey... are you OK?" She asked softly.

Drelaq let out a soft growl, before turning his head slightly to see Tsugumi out of the cover of his eyes through his hair. "Like many other Klingons, you will find, I am resilient." He turned around until he was in a seated position. As he brushed his hair back with his hands he looked up to Tsugumi and smirked slightly. "Thank you, Ensign."



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