
All Aboard! (Part 2)

Posted on Sat Aug 3rd, 2024 @ 7:45pm by Ensign Amelix Milumad

1,716 words; about a 9 minute read

Mission: 1 - Third Contact
Location: Docking Port
Timeline: MD01 - 0830


As the small Klingon ran at him in anger, the Officer just stepped aside at the last minute, tripping Drelaq and sending him sliding across the floor. The man just laughed in amusement as he crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at the humiliated Klingon. "Drelaq, The Little Officer the Couldn't. You should find a ship that's more your size. Like an escape pod." He amused before walking away.

Drelaq lay there on the ground, his face buried in the floor. He was angry, grinding his teeth, but he was also embarrassed. A part of him wanted to remove his d'k tahg from his bag to teach the officer his dishonor would not go unpunished, but he couldn't find the strength to even bother.

Tsugumi gasped and then quickly rushed over. She crouched down next to him. "Hey... are you OK?" She asked softly.

Drelaq let out a soft growl, before turning his head slightly to see Tsugumi out of the cover of his eyes through his hair. "Like many other Klingons, you will find, I am resilient." He turned around until he was in a seated position. As he brushed his hair back with his hands he looked up to Tsugumi and smirked slightly. "Thank you, Ensign."


Tsugumi gasped and then quickly rushed over. She crouched down next to him. "Hey... are you OK?" She asked softly.

Drelaq let out a soft growl, before turning his head slightly to see Tsugumi out of the cover of his eyes through his hair. "Like many other Klingons, you will find, I am resilient." He turned around until he was in a seated position. As he brushed his hair back with his hands he looked up to Tsugumi and smirked slightly. "Thank you, Ensign."

Tsugumi gave him a warm smile. "No problem. Just try to not get hurt ok." She told him before standing up and returning to her original place in line with Serefu. She looked back at him. "Come and stand with us..." she offered. Serefu agreed by giving him a grin and a lazy thumbs up.

Amelix could contain herself no further, she informed Drelaq, her speech pattern slowing down to about warp 5 for the Klingon. "My name is Ensign Amelix Milumad! I am the only Tygarian in Starfleet! So pleased to meet you! It must be so interesting being a Klingon general! I've never met one of those before! You really need to tell me about it. So, why are you an Ensign here? Were you demoted? Or do I not understand Klingon and Federation ranks?"

Drelaq merely growled and turned to someone less annoying than the Tygarian.

She then turned back to Serefu and Tsugumi, "I think it would be super fun if we were all bunk mates! You all just seem so amazing! And I can tell that we have all kinds of things to talk about! Oh! And I bet there are all sorts of experiments that we can do together between our departments! Oh, what fun we will have!"

"Less talking, more moving forward, if we ever want to get on the ship," Emri said. "And we'll be assigned bunks." He looked over the group. "I don't think any of us are going to have issues with the size of quarters."

"Do they still bunk us lower dockers in the halls like on Cali class ships?" Tsugumi asked. "I also heard a rumour they have mixed sex showers too!" She said as her cheeks began to turn a bright shade of magenta.

"I mean, even if it's not hallway bunks, it's still shared quarters for lower ranks," Emri pointed out. "And of course it's mixed sex. Not every species has the same sex breakdown."

Amelix turned her head back and fro at the discussion of mixed sex showers. "Why would anyone be having sex in the showers?" she wondered aloud. She was about to say something else, as her mouth opened and then formed into a wide, "Oh!" She then continued with her epiphany, "You don't mean sex as in intercourse, you mean sex as the gender identity between the generally male and female of a species. Why should anyone care about mixed genders having showers together? Is this taboo for someone?" It was at this moment that she almost hoped that there was a counselor somewhere nearby to explain any problem that she was missing.

"Some cultures maintain a separation of the genders based on ideas of privacy. Between visiting my family on Betazed and being a nurse, I've seen so many naked bodies that I don't see what the fuss is about. Bodies are bodies," Emri said.

"I agree with you! That seems silly! Then again, science is science! I am always up for learning something new! And you're a nurse?" she asked of Emri. "I wonder if we will get to do anything together during working hours! It would be so much fun to see what new things we could discover together!"

Emri frowned. "Well, I guess that depends on how often you're planning to break yourself. Or someone else. I really don't recommend breaking people."

"Breaking people?" Amelix asked wonderously. "Why would I ever do that?! Oh goodness no! I want to advance all beings! I want to discover all the secrets of the universe! I have so many experiments on so many topics that I want to run! I just can't wait to get myself into a lab!"

"I guess we'll be working together a lot then," Tsugumi said to Emri. "I'm a medical officer. I'd love to become a proper doctor one day, but now I'm not much more than a simple medic..."

"A doctor, huh? You want to sit around making Big Decisions while the rest of us do the actual work?" Emri asked. He grinned to take any sting out of the words.

The line moved up several more steps. Amelix's frequently swivelling head caught that fact and she rushed up to fill the space quickly. "Come on, everyone! Come on! You don't want to be a moment more here than you have to be, do you? Let's get our assignments to quarters and shifts and sort out our new lives! It is going to be so exciting!"

Tsugumi couldn't help bit smile at Amelix's reaction. "Plenty of time yet, keep cool." She said.

"I am cool..." Serufu said in response.

"Nah, you're just accident prone and super laid back..."

"Hey, it works for me..." she replied lazily.

Tsugumi sighed. "I suppose it does give me things to do."

Amelix responded to Tsugumi in a tone that would be the human equivalent of wonder whether Tsugumi had three heads. Her prattle became more accentuated and hyper. "What do you mean, plenty of time? There's never enough time! Science does not wait for anyone! We have to go out there and discover it on our own! It does not discover itself! And there are so many, many experiments to run! I need to log extra time in the labs for myself. Gosh, oh golly gee! I hope that I'm not buried on the list!"

Emri shuffled forward with the group. "Science might not wait, but it's also not running away while your back is turned. It will still be there when you get there. Just remember to eat, sleep and shower between the science."

He pushed himself up on his tiptoes. "Hey, I can see the front of the line. I mean, we're not that close, but I can see it. That's something, right?"

Amelix grabbed Emri's shoulder's, her crystaline fixtures on her head reflecting light into Emri's eyes, and started to shake him while bouncing up and down on her tip toes anxiously. "It will be there but who knows who will have gotten to it first! I can't not be the first! How else will I get recognized? You're not trying to suppress a Tygarian are you! No bias, right?! I did not think you did! Maybe I was wrong! Every good scientist has to constantly question and reassess their conclusions. Was I wrong?!"

Emri's teeth rattled in his head and he nearly bit his tongue. "No breaking," he blurted out. "You promised no breaking people."

"I couldn't break a tipdera," Amelix protested, as she released Emri from her grip. "Then again, if I did, it is a really good thing that we have, well, you, to put yourself back together again, right?" She gave what must have been a meek shrug and warm smile over at Emri but it appeared stiff.

Emri moved so the Klingon security guard was between him and Amelix. "Maybe it's different for Tygarians, but most species are not very good at putting themselves back together. That's why we tend to form social groups."

"I just meant that he was in medical. I mean, really, I could probably do it. After all, medical is just another version of science. I would just really need his normal vitals and take him to sickbay and use all of the proper equipment..." the Tygarian prattled.

"Please don't break anyone!" Tsugumi said a little flustered. "Come on! Don't give us more work in medical!"

"It would be fun!" the Tygarian enthused. "Think of all the things that we could discover! Oh! We could be lab partners and write papers together!" Amelix bobbed up and down happily on her tiptoes as the line moved up a few more people and she hurried to close the space between herself and the next person.

Emri made sure he wasn't standing next to Amelix. "Breaking people and putting them back together is not fun. Do we need to have you banned from Sickbay? Because I don't want patients tormented in the name of science."

Amelix put up her hands defensively and shook her head vigorously in the negative, sending refractions of light in every direction. Other people walking about and in line groaned in pain as they were temporarily blinded. "Nononononononononono! I would never break people and put them together on purpose! Where would you get such an idea? I just want to do science and solve all the mysteries of the universe! I thought I would just help!"




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