Commander Koda Screaminghorse

Name Koda Screaminghorse

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 57

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6"
Hair Color Dark Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Screaminghorse1.png

A wiry humanoid male with bronzed skin of an earthy tone, Koda Screaminghorse is only 5’6” in height and a smidge over 150lbs. Intimidating? No, not at all. He’s in his late 50s and his long black hair is starting to get some added salt and pepper seasoning to it. The crow’s feet around his eyes and his skin no longer being as taut as it was during the Dominion War means the old horse is starting to show his age.

Sporting a long-braided ponytail most days, Koda had been known to let his hair down and flow in the comfort of his quarters, but while on duty it is tightly wrapped and braided. His dark eyes show a mixture of confidence, compassion, and concern. Though Starfleet’s uniform styles have gone through various changes over his long and lustrous career, command division red has been on his neck or chest throughout the majority of his career albeit as a bit of a jack-of-all trades he’s manned a science console or two in his day, and holding down the tactical station is not entirely foreign to him in a pinch.

Though he is not a physically tall man, he stands tall. He walks tall. He has a raspy, crackling voice that is softly delivered but can be felt throughout the room in the words that he speaks. He is always careful about his word choices and makes those selections count. Koda does not leave his starship without a medicine bag though he’s been known to make one for others or give them his own for good luck and protection.


Personality & Traits

General Overview “We will forever be known by the tracks that we leave.”

A virtuoso with great curiosity and an insatiable appetite for journeys, Takoda Screaminghorse (Koda to friends of which everyone should be) wakes up early every morning eagerly awaiting the new challenges and obstacles ahead. He’s a forward-looking person who refuses to be held back by past failures. He is introverted yet open and approachable, almost inviting to those. For him, a stranger is simply an undiscovered friend. Koda sets goals and pursues them regularly even if the goals have very little personal benefit to him. He has spent years learning alien languages just because they were a challenge for him. This has resulted in him being one of the few non-Tamarian’s to understand the language of the Children of Tama.

For Koda, the universe is his forest of unknown full of uncertainties and potential, a sandbox for him to express himself and quench his thirst for adventure one sip at a time. He loves to explore with his mind, his hands, and his eyes, touching and examining the world around him with an impressive diligence, a casual curiosity, and a healthy dose of skepticism. He perhaps finds no greater fulfillment than to deconstruct something, examine how it works, and put it all back together with some minor altercations just to have it work even better or do more than it was intended for.

His bravado has gotten him into some questionable situations, but his resourcefulness has come in handy more times than not to climb out from the pit of defeat and overcome setbacks. He does not believe in superficial socializing or networking; it is all about connection and intimacy with Koda. If he spends time with you, it is because he wants to be closer.

Personal History A native of Earth’s Big Timber, Montana, Screaminghorse’s family emigrated to the planet, Neural of the Zeta Boötis system in the planet’s Providence Valley region when Screaminghorse was a young child. He was primarily raised on Neural with limited technology but had memories of Earth and any opportunity he got to use more advanced technology, he did. Neural was a Federation Protectorate with Federation Anthropologist and Starfleet science officers occasionally visiting the world. It was a relatively peaceful life on Neural aside from the wild Mugato that roamed the mountain ranges and hills of the planet. Providence Valley was mostly void of Mugato, but an occasional sighting kept the Nuralese on heightened alert.

At the age of eighteen, Koda Screaminghorse left Neural to return to Earth having been accepted into Starfleet Academy. His entrance examination several months previously yielded positive results. While attending academy in San Francisco, Koda made friends with several of his fellow cadets including a Vulcan named Tavel whom he became fond of and got closer with over the next four years. Screaminghorse studied starship operations with a concentration on flight control but supplemented his last two years with command courses in Federation law, diplomacy, and anthropology.

A well-rounded education underneath him, Ensign Screaminghorse was assigned to the USS Ponchatoula as was Ensign Tavel, continuing their close friendship that evolved into a romantic relationship. Their relationship had its ups and downs, but ultimately, they drifted apart and chose to go their separate ways. After several years serving as a relief flight control officer aboard the starship Ponchatoula, he was promoted to lieutenant junior grade. After several months at rank, he transferred to the USS Yellowstone taking the vacancy of Assistant Chief Tactical Officer.

Screaminghorse’s long service career in Starfleet has seen him serving on several Federation starships in the 2360s achieving the rank of lieutenant and becoming the Security Chief / Chief Tactical Officer of the USS Centaur. Through the Federation-Klingon War and the subsequent Dominion War, he was stationed on Deep Space Station K-7 as Strategic Operations Officer and the station’s second officer in the chain of command.

Though a capable officer with command experience, Screaminghorse became a bit of a ‘human resources’ headache with his unique approach to getting to know crew. His career seemed to hit a barrier at Lieutenant Commander. He served aboard the USS Macartney as Chief Diplomatic Officer and Second Officer for a handful of years expecting it to be the assignment he would retire from Starfleet; however, he was successful in his latest attempt at the bridge officer’s command examination and qualified for an available Executive Officer posting. The Parliament class USS Quebec fit the bill.
Service Record 2381: USS Quebec | First Officer | Commander
2375-2381: USS Macartney | Second Officer / Chief Diplomatic Officer | Lieutenant Commander
2371-2375: Deep Space Station K-7 | Strategic Operations Officer | Lieutenant – Lieutenant Commander
2366 – 2371: USS Centaur | Security Chief/ Chief Tactical Officer | Lieutenant JG – Lieutenant
2357 – 2366: USS Yellowstone | Assistant Chief Tactical Officer | Lieutenant JG
2345 – 2357: USS Ponchatoula | Relief Flight Control Officer | Ensign – Lieutenant JG